You can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs.
I break a lot of things. I'm Kali, Goddess of Death, Change and Eternal Energy. My name means "black".
I look mean but I get things done. Let's face it, for new things to come we have to let go of old things. Without death, how would there be room for new life?
I am the consort of Shiva, known as the Destroyer.
One time, I really enjoyed a battle. I was drunk on the blood of my victims on the battlefield, dancing with destructive frenzy. I didn't see the body of my husband, Shiva, who was among the corpses on the battlefield. I even stepped on him. The cries of Shiva attracted my attention, calming my fury. I stopped killing and stuck out my tongue.
A myth depicts the infant Shiva calming me. In this story, I again defeat my enemies on the battlefield and begin to dance out of control, drunk on the blood of the slain. To calm me down and to protect the stability of the world, Shiva is sent to the battlefield, as an infant, crying aloud. Seeing the child's distress, I cease dancing to take care of the helpless infant. I pick him up, kiss his head, and proceed to breast feed the infant Shiva. This myth depicts me in my benevolent, maternal aspect; something that is revered in Hinduism, but not often recognized in the West.
I carry a garland of severed hands around with me because I am free from the cycle of karma. I also carry a garland of severed heads because each one represents a letter of the alphabet and I am the mother of language and prayer. Hopefully I can help others with what is real and truly important.
Many know me as the eternal mother. To all of you, Happy Mother's Day!
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