Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The word Kunt

Welcome to La Reina Del Barrio's blog on "Queens of the World" in honor of Women's History Month.

Do You know where the word Kunt originated from?

Our first historical figure was destined to begin this blog. There are a lot of cultures in this world, some of them very ancient. India, for example. May their legendary women inspire us all.

Have you heard of the great epic poem The Mahabharata? The title means Great India.

And in this great epic, who is the mother of them all?
Queen Kunti, of course. Kunti-Devi gives birth to many of the Pandavas, who are the good guys in the tale. Together with fun-loving Krishna, the Pandavas win the big battle.

There is much religious reverence for Queen Kunti. Just have a peek at this link:

Let's get technical for a moment. The theory of the Indo-European languages states that Germanic languages, Romance languages, ancient Sanskrit and others can be traced back to a common ancestor. We're all related! That is why the word "Queen" in English is related to the Greek word "gyn-" and, similarly, to "Kunt", all of which developed from a word that might be written gʷneH2

If you live in England, you probably use the word cunt to make fun of your friends in a nice way. If you're an American, you may have used the same word to cause great offense to a woman.

Historically, this is a word that should be used as a compliment.
