Do you like pictures and music and poetry?
I do! I'm the goddess of the arts.
In Hinduism I am called Saraswati. I was welcomed by Buddhists who call me Benzaiten.
No matter the religion, you want arts and I got arts!
I am usually shown with four arms, holding stuff. I date back to the era of Vedic literature.
Poetry — the Rigveda contains hymns, representing poetry
Prose — Yajurveda contains prose
Music — Samaveda represents music.
The four hands show this — prose is represented by the book in one hand, poetry by the garland of crystal, music by the veena (stringed instrument). The pot of sacred water represents purity in all of these three, or their power to purify human thought.
I am known to be the consort of Brahma, who is the creator of the universe. I am very creative, too, of course.
Sometimes a swan or peacock is shown next to me. The bird represents arrogance and pride over its beauty, and by having it as my mount, I teach not to be concerned with external appearance and to be wise regarding the eternal truth.